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I am a Professor of Econometrics at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil, a Researcher at CNPq (Ministry of Science) and Coordinator of LECO - Laboratory of Econometrics and Optimization (CAEN/UFC ). I received my Ph.D. in Economics at the Pennsylvania State University, USA. I have been a Visiting Researcher at the Free University of Amsterdam and the University of Toulouse. I have also managed scientific grants and research groups and participated in international projects with European universities (the Free University of Amsterdam and University of Toulouse) and international organizations (UNESCO, World Bank, and Konrad Adenauer Foundation).


I developed the “Unit of Statistics and Crime Analysis” and worked as its Chief Criminal and Statistical Analyst at the State Bureau of Public Security and Social Defense of Ceará, Brazil from 2009 – 2013 (FUNCAP grant of ï¿¡100,000) and published several research papers on econometrics (especially modeling crime and violence), labor economics, and crime analysis.


I am currently the PI and grant manager (ï¿¡450,000) of the PCSVDFMulher (Survey of Socioeconomic Conditions and Domestic and Family Violence Against Women), a multidisciplinary and international project involving scientists from Brazil, USA, and Europe, funded by the Brazilian Secretariat of Policies for Women & the World Bank, and jointly executed with Instituto Maria da Penha (MPI). It is the most extensive longitudinal study on domestic violence in Latin America with more than 10,000 women surveyed over two years. Besides, I serve as a scientific advisor for MPI on DV measurement and prevention programs.



Pennsylvania State University, USA

Ph.D. in Economics


Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil

M.Sc. in Economics


Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering


November, 2010

Rutgers University, USA

Attended a 36 hours training in Crime Mapping and Analysis with ArcGIS offered by the International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA), USA. 

July, 2010

University of Rome, "La Sapienza", Italy

Attended the Summer School in Spatial Econometrics coordinated by Prof. Giuseppe Arbia (University of Sacro Cuore, Italy).  Trained in topics like Spatial Statistics, Spatial Econometrics, and Panel Data for 102 hours. 

March, 2010

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil

Organized and attended a 40 hours mini-course on Spatial Statistics, Geostatistics, Representation of Uncertainty and Dynamic Modeling. The National Institute of Spatial Research (INPE), Brazil offered the in loco training for all members of our “Unit of Crime and Statistical Analysis” at SSPDS/CE.

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