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I am Professor of Econometrics at CAEN/UFC, the Graduate Program in Economics at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (Federal University of Ceará), Brazil. I am a researcher at CNPq (Ministry of Science of Brazil) and the coordinator of LECO - Laboratory of Econometrics and Optimization (CAEN/UFC). My areas of interests are econometrics, crimetrics (econometrics of crime and violence), labor economics, crime analysis, domestic and family violence against women, survey methodology & design, and economics of education. I developed the “Unit of Statistics and Crime Analysis” and worked as its Chief Criminal and Statistical Analyst at the State Bureau of Public Security and Social Defense of Ceará, Brazil. I am currently the PI of the PCSVDFMulher (Survey of Socioeconomic Conditions and Domestic and Family Violence Against Women), a longitudinal, multidisciplinary and international project involving scientists from Brazil, USA, and Europe, and jointly executed with Instituto Maria da Penha (MPI), Brazil. 


3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence 
Sep 01 - 04, 2019
2019 Spatial Econometrics Advanced Institute
May 13 - Jun 07, 2019
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